Thursday, September 25, 2014

welcome to SAJAJJM

The Samagra Anusuchit Jaati Anusuchit Janjaati Mahasangh (SAJAJJM) is a non-profit making volunteer organization which came into existence on 27-06-11 as a civil society registered under society registration act 1860. Since its inception the...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

सुहागरात पर बीवी को किया दोस्तों के हवाले

लव मैरेज करने वाली एक दुल्हन को अपने प्रेमी की असली तस्वीर उस समय देखने को मिली, जब उसने सुहागरात के मौके पर उसे अपने सात दोस्तों के हवाले कर दिया। प्रेमी उसे घर से भगाकर ले गया था। दोनों ने गाजियाबाद के एक मंदिर में शादी की थी। इससे पहले युवती के पिता ने 18 अक्टूबर को औरंगाबाद थाने में तहरीर देकर गांव के ही एक युवक पर बेटी को बहला-फुसलाकर भगा ले जाने का आरोप लगाया था। पुलिस तभी से इस प्रेमी जोडे़ की तलाश कर रही थी।

पांच दिन पहले पुलिस ने लड़की को बरामद कर लिया जबकि उसका प्रेमी पुलिस को देखकर फरार हो गया। प्रेमिका का आरोप है कि सुहागरात पर उसके प्रेमी ने अपने सात दोस्तों के साथ उससे गैंगरेप किया। यह सिलसिला एक महीने तक चलता रहा।

युवती ने बताया कि वह थाना औरंगाबाद क्षेत्र के गांव अशरफपुर की रहने वाली है। वह पिछले 4 साल से गांव के युवक मोनू से बेहद प्यार करती थी। 18 अक्टूबर की रात को प्रेमी की प्लैनिंग के तहत वह घर से ढाई लाख कीमत के सोने-चांदी के गहने लेकर भाग गई। प्रेमी ने गाजियाबाद में किराये पर कमरा ले रखा था।20 अक्टूबर को दोनों ने एक मंदिर में जाकर शादी रचा ली। शादी के बाद जब वह अपने कमरे पर पहुंची तो उसका प्रेमी उसे छोड़कर दोस्तों के साथ शराब पीने चला गया। आरोप है कि देर रात वह अपने सात दोस्तों के साथ आया और उसे दोस्तों के हवाले कर दिया। लड़की का आरोप है कि एक महीने तक बंधक बनाकर उसके साथ सभी आठ आरोपियों ने गैंगरेप किया।

परिजनों की मदद से बुलंदशहर पुलिस ने युवती को 10 नवंबर को गाजियाबाद के बस स्टैंड चौराहा से बरामद कर लिया। एसपी सिटी श्रीकांत यादव ने बताया कि लड़की अपने बयान कई बार बदल चुकी है। शुरुआती पूछताछ में उसने पुलिस को भी गुमराह करने की कोशिश की। दो दिन पहले लड़की ने मैजिस्ट्रेट के सामने अपने साथ हुए गैंगरेप का खुलासा किया। पुलिस ने लड़की का मेडिकल कराया है। पुलिस लड़की के बयानों के आधार पर रिपोर्ट दर्ज कर मुख्य आरोपी की तलाश कर रही है।


प्यार ठुकराया तो फेक अकाउंट बना पोस्ट कर दीं अश्लील तस्वीरें

 प्यार का प्रपोजल ठुकराए जाने पर एक युवक ने ऐसा कदम उठाया कि उसे जेल की हवा खानी पड़ी। बदला लेने के लिए मकसद से युवक उस लड़की के नाम से फेसबुक पर फेक अकाउंट बनाकर अश्लील फोटो पोस्ट कर रहा था।

तलेगांव के रहने वाले भूपेश ने इंजिनियरिंग की एक स्टूडेंट से प्यार का इजहार किया, लेकिन उसने मना कर दिया। इस पर गुस्साए भूपेश ने लड़की से बदला लेने की ठान ली। उसने लड़की के नाम से फेसबुक पर फेक प्रोफाइल बनाकर अश्लील तस्वीरें और मैसेज अपडेट करना शुरू कर दिया।

उधर लड़की सो समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि यह हरकत कौन कर रहा है। आखिरकार लड़की ने पुलिस की मदद ली और साइबर क्राइम सेल में शिकायत दर्ज कराई। इसके बाद साइबर सेल ने फेक आईडी ऑपरेट करने वाले का आईपी अड्रेस ढूंढ निकाला। इंटरनेट सर्विस प्रोवाइडर की मदद से पुलिस ने रायगढ़ जिले के नवी पोसरी के उस साइबर कैफे पहुंची, जहां से उस आईडी को ऑपरेट किया जाता था। साइबर कैफे में पूछताछ करने पर पता चला कि वहां पर काम करने वाली लड़की का भाई अक्सर वहां आया करता है। उस लड़की का भाई कोई और नहीं बल्कि भूपेश ही था।


फोन पर प्रेम हुआ था, मिली तो बेहोश हो गई

आजकल इंटरनेट और फोन आदि के माध्यम से अक्सर लोग संपर्क में आते हैं। फोन और दूसरे संचार के माध्यम से वे एक-दूसरे के करीब भी आ जाते हैं, पर अक्सर इसमें ऐसा भी धोखा हो जाता है कि सिवाय अफसोस करने के कुछ नहीं बचता। केरल में कनूर जिले में 23 साल की एक इंजीनियर का मामला भी कुछ ऐसा ही निकला। उसको उस वक्त शॉक लगा जब वह अपने 'प्रेमी' से मिली।

पिछले एक साल से वह फोन पर अपने इस प्रेमी के साथ बातें कर रही थीं। साल भर बाद जब वह अपने इस फोन प्रेमी से मिली तो सारा रोमांस धरा का धरा रह गया और दिल भी टूटा सो अलग। इसलिए कि उनका यह प्रेमी तो 67 साल का निकला।

यह भी तब पता चला जब यह लड़की अपने फोन वाले प्रेमी से मिलने तिरुअनंतपुरम आई। यहां उसे जीवन का सबसे बड़ा शॉक लगा। पुलिस ने बताया कि लड़की काफी देर से उस बस स्टॉप पर टहल रही थीं जहां उसके प्रेमी ने उससे मिलना तय किया हुआ था। जब काफी देर तक वह नहीं आया और लड़की वहां परेशान होकर टहलती रही, तो पुलिस उसे थाने ले आई।थाने में उससे पूछा गया कि वह वहां क्यों टहल रही थी, तब उसने अपना किस्सा बयां किया। लड़की से उसके प्रेमी का मोबाइल नंबर लेकर पुलिस ने उसे थाने बुलाया। वह आया तो उसे देखते ही लड़की बेहोश हो गई। इसलिए कि वह आदमी निकला 67 साल का। इस आदमी ने पुलिस को बताया कि वह तो सिर्फ मनोरंजन के लिए फोन पर बातें किया करता था। उसका इरादा गलत नहीं था। बहरहाल, पुलिस ने लड़की के घरवालों से संपर्क कर उसे वापस उसके घर भेज दिया है। 

Indian teenager, 15, becomes latest gang-rape victim as her body is found near railway track after she protests to village elders over treatment of her father

·         Girl, 15, tried to stop village elders from beating her father for unpaid loan

·         She disappeared as beating took place and naked body was found next day

·         Father has now accused 13 village elders of 'rape, murder and kidnapping'

·         Elders previously made her spit on ground and lick it up as mark of shame

An Indian teenager has been gang-raped and murdered in India after protesting against a decision by village elders to beat her father for failing to repay a loan.

The girl, 15, had been threatened with 'dire consequences' by elders in West Bengal state before she disappeared on Monday as her father's sentence was carried out.

Her naked body was found the next day lying next to train tracks in Jalpaiguri district, and police believe she was gang-raped before being murdered.


The naked body of a 15-year-old Indian girl was found next to these train tracks in West Bengal province, India. Her family believe she was raped and killed after trying to stop village elders beating her father Ganesh Prasad, who spotted the body, told NDTV: 'At 8.15am I saw a dead body. I have not seen anything this like before. 

'If bodies come under a train, they are in pieces but with clothes on. In this case, only the shoulder was covered by a cloth.'


The girl's family said a village court had previously ordered her to spit on the ground and then lick it up as a mark of shame for defying them.

Her father has now filed a lawsuit for 'rape, murder and kidnapping' against 13 elders, and police have arrested at least two people. The girl's body has been sent for a post-mortem examinationLocal reports suggest the girl could have been targeted because her family vote for the local communist party, while the village elders all belong to the ruling TMC party.

All council elders have denied any involvement in the girl's disappearance or the attack.

Media attention has been focused on sexual violence against women in India since the 2012 gang rape and murder of a student on a Delhi bus. The incident caused widespread protests across the country.

The naked body of a 15-year-old Indian girl was found next to these train tracks in West Bengal province, India. Her family believe she was raped and killed after trying to stop village elders beating her father+2

The girl's family say elders had previously ordered her to spit on the ground and then lick it up as a mark of shame for arguing against them (pictured, the girl's clothes scattered along the railway)

The government tightened laws last year after widespread protests following the attack, but a culture of violence against women remains deeply entrenched.

Informal village councils across India wield huge influence, an often take policing of local 'laws' into their own hands, despite many of their actions being illegal. 

Conservative traditions – combined with a weak legal system and patchy policing – have allowed many to retain power over communities in rural zones.

Earlier this year a woman was raped by up to 13 men in West Bengal as punishment for a relationship with a local man that was not sanctioned by village elders.

In October last year, another teenager in West Bengal was attacked twice, including one assault on her way back from a police station, and eventually murdered.

Here's a Delhi hotel that serves women-only treat

The Leela Palace hotel, New Delhi, will offer The Leela Palace hotel, New Delhi, will offer 'Kamal package' to women travellers to ensure they feel safe.A top Delhi hotel is all set to launch special package deals for its female clients.

The move is an effort to win back tourists, especially women and foreigners, and ensure their safety in the Capital, which has unfortunately become notorious for increased cases of sexual violence against women.

The Leela Palace hotel, New Delhi, will soon be offering Kamal (lotus) package for single women travellers to make them feel safe while on their trip to New Delhi. The package includes complimentary pick-up and drop from and to airport with "trusted" drivers to women tour guides for guests.

Kamal guests at the Leela Palace will be given a female-only floor, with all-women check-in staff, concierge, housekeeping staff and butlers. The special package guests will also have access to a private or all-female spa. The hotel will ensure security cameras in all corridors, stair cases and any other public place. The footage on these cameras will be monitored at all times. Kamal package will be available across all rooms from the basic to its deluxe Maharaja suite that comes with a pool. The special women package will be launched by Leela on September 15.

Repeated incidents of violence against women in the country have affected tourism. Foreigners, especially, seem to be apprehensive about visiting the country. Delhi, particularly, has seen a splurge in rape cases being reported.

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative had, in fact, stated that one rape occurs every 30 minutes in India. With increasing reports of such cases, the UK foreign office cautions all female tourists to avoid public transport in India, especially after dark, and, instead, hire taxis through their respective hotels.

"British women have been victims of sexual assault in Goa, Delhi, Bangalore and Rajasthan. Women travellers often receive unwanted attention in the form of verbal and physical harassment," the foreign office warns. "Serious sexual attacks involving Polish, German and Danish women travellers have been reported so far in 2014. Women travellers should exercise caution when travelling in India, even if they are travelling in a group," it added.


Friday, September 12, 2014

जानिए कौन हैं इरोम शर्मीला? क्यों की 14 साल तक भूख हड़ताल

जानिए कौन हैं इरोम शर्मीला? क्यों की 14 साल तक भूख हड़ताल
जवाहर लाल नेहरू अस्पताल के 15/10 के एक छोटे से वॉर्ड में कुछ किताबों और पौधों के साथ नजर बंद इरोम चानू शर्मिला को 14 साल बाद आज़ादी मिली है। हाल ही में मणिपुर कोर्ट ने इरोम को रिहा किया है। इरोम 4 नवम्बर 2000 से भूख हड़ताल पर हैं। यह हड़ताल मणिपुर में विशेष आर्म्ड फोर्स स्पेशल पावर (AFSFA) एक्ट को हटाने के लिए की गई। इरोम को इंफाल के मालोम नामक स्थान से हिरासत में लिया गया था।
2 नवम्बर 2000 को सुरक्षा बलों ने मालोम के बस स्टैण्ड पर अंधाधुंध गोलियां चला कर 10 मासूमों को मार डाला था। मृतकों में 62 वर्षीय एक वृद्धा भी थी और 18 साल का एक राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार प्राप्त युवक भी। इसके विरोध में इरोम ने AFSFA को हटवाने के लिए भूख हड़ताल शुरू कर दी। तीन दिन बाद ही उन्होंने आत्महत्या का प्रयास किया। तब वह महज 27 साल की थीं। तब से उन्हें आईपीसी की धारा 309 के तहत हिरासत में रखा जाता है। इस धारा के मुताबिक अत्महत्या के प्रयास के लिए 1 साल से ज्यादा कैद में नहीं रखा जाता। इसी कारण इरोम को हर साल रिहा कर अगले दिन फिर हिरासत में ले लिया जाता है।   
2014 के MNS पोल में उन्हें भारत की महिला आइकन के सम्मान से नवाजा गया, क्योंकि वह विश्व की सबसे लंबी भूख हड़ताल करने वाली महिला हैं।

सशस्त्र बल (विशेष शक्तियां) अधिनियम, 1958 (एएफएसपीए) के तहत सुरक्षा बलों को किसी को देखते ही गोली मार देने, बिना वारंट और बिना जांच के किसी को भी गिरफ्तार करने जैसे असीमित अधिकार मिल जाते हैं। यह अधिनियम सुरक्षा बलों को इसके तहत की गई किसी भी कार्रवाई के खिलाफ कानूनी प्रकिया से भी बचाता है।

लंदन: जहां रुके थे भीमराव अंबेडकर, उस घर को 40 करोड़ रु. में खरीदेगी भारत सरकार

लंदन: जहां रुके थे भीमराव अंबेडकर, उस घर को 40 करोड़ रु. में खरीदेगी भारत सरकार
लंदन। भारत सरकार, लंदन स्थित भीमराव अंबेडकर के उस आवास को खरीदेगी, जहां वे पढ़ाई के दौरान ठहरे थे। इसे 4 मिलियन पाउंड (करीब 40 करोड़ रुपए) में खरीदा जाएगा।  
भारतीय संविधान निर्माण में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने वाले भीमराव अंबेडकर ने लंदन स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स से पढ़ाई से डॉक्ट्रेट की पढ़ाई की थी। इस दौरान वे चाल्क फार्म में रुके थे। छह बेडरूम के इस घर की मार्केट वेल्यू 3.1 मिलियन पाउंड है। महाराष्ट्र सरकार इस घर को खरीदने और इसकी मरम्मत पर होने वाला खर्च वहन करने को तैयार है। 
लंदन स्थित अंबेडकर व बौद्ध संघ के अनुसार, किंग हेनरी रोड स्थित इस आवास में अंबेडकर स्कॉलरशिप हासिल करने वाले स्टूडेंट्स रहते हैं। 
महाराष्ट्र के जल संरक्षण मंत्री नितिन राउत के अनुसार, सरकार इस आवास को खरीदने के लिए तैयार है। उन्होंने बताया, "यह न सिर्फ दलितों, बल्कि सभी भारतीयों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण प्रतीक है। ब्रिटेन में हजारों दलित स्टूडेंट्स हैं। इस इमारत को लाइब्रेरी और अंबेडकर मेमोरियल में तब्दील किया जाएगा और यह सभी के लिए खुली होगी।" 
10 Signs He's in Love With You 
  10 signs he's in love with you
Sometimes, we simply have to guess at what our significant other is thinking, which can be difficult at the start of a relationship when you're just getting to know each other. So here are 10 signs that he's in love with you...

  1. He smiles at you. Not just when he wants something from you but everytime you're around him. 
  2. He talks to you for a long time. Guys aren't usually big talkers... until they find someone they care about!
  3. He cuddles you up. When a guy doesn't love a girl, he won't cuddle her up. When he does, you know there's something there.  
  4. He genuinely cares about you. He wants to know all about you, your likes and dislikes, your favorite dinner, what makes you laugh.
  5. He goes out of his way for you. That extra mile is nothing if it makes you happy.
  6. Those quirks you find annoying, well, he thinks they're awesome. So what if you hate that you go crazy without having enough hand-soap, or have a Diet Coke habit worthy of an intervention? He thinks you're great just as you are.   
  7. The chemistry is incredible. You're both on the same page, you think alike, and when you're together, the heat is incredible.
  8. He loves spending time with you. It doesn't matter what you're doing, so long as you're together.
  9. He'll compromise for you. Sure, you both want things your own way, but suddenly, he's willing to cave on things that once mattered.
  10. He starts making plans for the future. With you!

4 Interesting Wedding Facts 

4 wedding facts


4 Interesting Wedding Facts 

We've heard enough of songs and peoms on marriage and seen movies based on weddings, but how much do we really know about wedded bliss? We list down 4 interesting facts about marriage...

1.     The Ring Finger 

Wedding and engagement rings have always been worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. Do you know why? The Romans believed a vein in this particular finger, called "vena amoris" (a.k.a. the "vein of love"), leads directly to the heart.  

Wedding Dresses

Think of Christian wedding dresses and the only colour that comes to your mind is white, right? But wedding dresses weren't always white. In fact, they were traditionally red, blue, purple or even black, with gold and silver stitching. It wasn't until 1840, when Queen Victoria wed Prince Albert in a white bridal gown, that the 'chaste' colour became the status quo. 


Ring Around the Finger 

While giving a ring to your partner is a practice that dates back to Roman times, the first recorded occurrence of a diamond engagement ring was in 1477, when the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave one to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy. 


Girl Power  

Most modern marriage proposals are from men, but women actually do a small share of the asking, too. And Scotland should be thanked for starting the trend centuries ago: In 1228, it was the first European country where women earned the right to propose marriage, a law which then spread throughout Europe. 

10 Signs He's in Love With You

10 Signs He's in Love With You 
  10 signs he's in love with you
Sometimes, we simply have to guess at what our significant other is thinking, which can be difficult at the start of a relationship when you're just getting to know each other. So here are 10 signs that he's in love with you...

  1. He smiles at you. Not just when he wants something from you but everytime you're around him. 
  2. He talks to you for a long time. Guys aren't usually big talkers... until they find someone they care about!
  3. He cuddles you up. When a guy doesn't love a girl, he won't cuddle her up. When he does, you know there's something there.  
  4. He genuinely cares about you. He wants to know all about you, your likes and dislikes, your favorite dinner, what makes you laugh.
  5. He goes out of his way for you. That extra mile is nothing if it makes you happy.
  6. Those quirks you find annoying, well, he thinks they're awesome. So what if you hate that you go crazy without having enough hand-soap, or have a Diet Coke habit worthy of an intervention? He thinks you're great just as you are.   
  7. The chemistry is incredible. You're both on the same page, you think alike, and when you're together, the heat is incredible.
  8. He loves spending time with you. It doesn't matter what you're doing, so long as you're together.
  9. He'll compromise for you. Sure, you both want things your own way, but suddenly, he's willing to cave on things that once mattered.
  10. He starts making plans for the future. With you!

4 Interesting Wedding Facts

4 Interesting Wedding Facts 

4 wedding facts


4 Interesting Wedding Facts 

We've heard enough of songs and peoms on marriage and seen movies based on weddings, but how much do we really know about wedded bliss? We list down 4 interesting facts about marriage...

1.     The Ring Finger 

Wedding and engagement rings have always been worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. Do you know why? The Romans believed a vein in this particular finger, called "vena amoris" (a.k.a. the "vein of love"), leads directly to the heart.  

Wedding Dresses

Think of Christian wedding dresses and the only colour that comes to your mind is white, right? But wedding dresses weren't always white. In fact, they were traditionally red, blue, purple or even black, with gold and silver stitching. It wasn't until 1840, when Queen Victoria wed Prince Albert in a white bridal gown, that the 'chaste' colour became the status quo. 


Ring Around the Finger 

While giving a ring to your partner is a practice that dates back to Roman times, the first recorded occurrence of a diamond engagement ring was in 1477, when the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave one to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy. 


Girl Power  

Most modern marriage proposals are from men, but women actually do a small share of the asking, too. And Scotland should be thanked for starting the trend centuries ago: In 1228, it was the first European country where women earned the right to propose marriage, a law which then spread throughout Europe. 

Fwd: 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife 

 4 wedding facts

If you've completed a year or more of your marriage, you would definitely agree with these 10 points listed below. There are times when husbands think they're being smart, sincere or witty but in reality it's just plain annoying for women. Here are 10 things women hate listening to from their husband...

"Your best friend still looks gorgeous"

Say this to yourself but not to your wife or else you had it. You are only going to be inviting problems for yourself by making that comment. It's better for you to gawk in secret.  

"Why don't you ever wear stuff like she's wearing?"

For most wives, especially moms, the days of skinny pants and mini skirts are long gone. Comparing your wife to the rare mommy who still has the nerve to slip on skimpy outfits will only get you in trouble. So, its better you remain quite. 

"You're turning exactly into your mother"

It's a reality no woman is ever ready or willing to face, whether or not it's true. If its true in your wive's case, let it be! You need not say it ten times. Her mom wasn't a zombie, wasn't she? And if not her mom who else will she turn into?  

"Allright, I'll babysit"  

What do you mean when you say that? How many times do you need to be reminded, it's not babysitting if they are your own kids. So, stop saying that for God's sake!


"Damn! I can't find my..."  

3.      Let's get real. You can't find it because you didn't look that hard. So, move it, open your eyes and look for it.


"Are you going to wear chappals with your skirt?"   

Honesty is said to be the best policy, agreed! But that doesn't mean you start deciding what is she supposed to wear with what. No way! It's her skirt, her chappals and she knows how to team it up. So leave her alone or find some other way to delicately point it out.


"The one who makes more money should do less housework."   

Who are you, Don Draper? The Mad Men era ended, like some, 50 years ago so come on! grab a  broom now and get going.

"Don't worry, I'll try and fix it."   

Really? Then what were you waiting for all this while? And if you've ruined or borken her favourite stuff, you got no choice but to fix it NOW.

9.      "But I Just changed the diaper this morning."    

Really? You did? How sweet! And you think your darling daughter is wearing the same diaper since morning? Children pee more often, hope you know that! So, its your turn again!

11.     "Lets plan for another kid honey"   

Of course, the person who does the least amount of cooking, cleaning, and nurturing would think adding to the brood was no big deal. Let's see if you feel that way after playing Mr. Mom for a week.

8 Things Women Desire in Their Life Partner 


Qualities women look for

Some people say a woman’s mind is a mystery, which cannot be understood. This is quite true and so, we help you men understand their needs by listing down some important qualities women look for in their life partner…

·         Honesty

·         This is right on top in the list and this means being honest about everything. If your partner asks you ‘Do you like my hair?’ you could say, “I love it, but I liked it more when it was longer.” If you’re honest in a relationship, your woman will always trust and respect you. But, if she gets to know that you ever lied to her, it’ll be very difficult for you to build that trust again. 

·         Responsible

·         Every woman wants a partner who’s more responsible and also confident about taking on responsibilities after marriage. They want someone who’s caring, loving and one who promises to be there for them in times of trouble. This doesn’t mean women are weak, they maybe sensitive.

·         Successful

·         If you’re a lazy lump with no goals in life, forget it! You’re going to stay single all your life. Women don’t like men who do not take life seriously. They prefer men who have certain goals in life and are career-oriented. So, is it time to change your attitude towards life?   

·         Trustworthy

·         This is very important in a relationship. If you do not trust your man/woman, your life can be hell. A woman always expects her partner to trust her and support her in all her decisions. You need to stand by her when she’s going through tough times.

·         Reliable

·         You’ve got to be reliable if you want your partner to be with you lifelong. If she plans an evening meal together and you turn up at 10pm after promising her you’ll be home by 8pm, you’re obviously not reliable. We agree, work is important but your wife is equally important. So, you need to learn to balance your work and personal life.

·         Committed

·         To a man this may feel like he is being forced into commitment, but commitment in a marriage is very important if you want it to last for a lifetime. Commitment requires you to explore, develop and nurture a relationship. Also, it has to be a mutual agreement or it doesn’t work.

·         Simplicity

·         Simplicity is a common factor every woman expects in her man. He should be transparent enough when it comes to sharing his views, ideas, etc with her. This help’s a couple understand each other better. When we say simplicity, we don’t just mean looks but also your nature.

·         Loving and Caring 

·         Every women wants to have a loving and caring partner. In simple words, this means even if your woman makes a mistake, you aren’t allowed to shout at her, especially in front of others. Instead, explain to her in a loving manner. Women expect their partners to make them smile again if they are unwell or feeling low. So, take care. 



10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Wife 

 4 wedding facts

If you've completed a year or more of your marriage, you would definitely agree with these 10 points listed below. There are times when husbands think they're being smart, sincere or witty but in reality it's just plain annoying for women. Here are 10 things women hate listening to from their husband...

"Your best friend still looks gorgeous"

Say this to yourself but not to your wife or else you had it. You are only going to be inviting problems for yourself by making that comment. It's better for you to gawk in secret.  

"Why don't you ever wear stuff like she's wearing?"

For most wives, especially moms, the days of skinny pants and mini skirts are long gone. Comparing your wife to the rare mommy who still has the nerve to slip on skimpy outfits will only get you in trouble. So, its better you remain quite. 

"You're turning exactly into your mother"

It's a reality no woman is ever ready or willing to face, whether or not it's true. If its true in your wive's case, let it be! You need not say it ten times. Her mom wasn't a zombie, wasn't she? And if not her mom who else will she turn into?  

"Allright, I'll babysit"  

What do you mean when you say that? How many times do you need to be reminded, it's not babysitting if they are your own kids. So, stop saying that for God's sake!


"Damn! I can't find my..."  

3.      Let's get real. You can't find it because you didn't look that hard. So, move it, open your eyes and look for it.


"Are you going to wear chappals with your skirt?"   

Honesty is said to be the best policy, agreed! But that doesn't mean you start deciding what is she supposed to wear with what. No way! It's her skirt, her chappals and she knows how to team it up. So leave her alone or find some other way to delicately point it out.


"The one who makes more money should do less housework."   

Who are you, Don Draper? The Mad Men era ended, like some, 50 years ago so come on! grab a  broom now and get going.

"Don't worry, I'll try and fix it."   

Really? Then what were you waiting for all this while? And if you've ruined or borken her favourite stuff, you got no choice but to fix it NOW.

9.      "But I Just changed the diaper this morning."    

Really? You did? How sweet! And you think your darling daughter is wearing the same diaper since morning? Children pee more often, hope you know that! So, its your turn again!

11.     "Lets plan for another kid honey"   

Of course, the person who does the least amount of cooking, cleaning, and nurturing would think adding to the brood was no big deal. Let's see if you feel that way after playing Mr. Mom for a week.

8 Things Women Desire in Their Life Partner 


Qualities women look for

Some people say a woman’s mind is a mystery, which cannot be understood. This is quite true and so, we help you men understand their needs by listing down some important qualities women look for in their life partner…

·         Honesty

·         This is right on top in the list and this means being honest about everything. If your partner asks you ‘Do you like my hair?’ you could say, “I love it, but I liked it more when it was longer.” If you’re honest in a relationship, your woman will always trust and respect you. But, if she gets to know that you ever lied to her, it’ll be very difficult for you to build that trust again. 

·         Responsible

·         Every woman wants a partner who’s more responsible and also confident about taking on responsibilities after marriage. They want someone who’s caring, loving and one who promises to be there for them in times of trouble. This doesn’t mean women are weak, they maybe sensitive.

·         Successful

·         If you’re a lazy lump with no goals in life, forget it! You’re going to stay single all your life. Women don’t like men who do not take life seriously. They prefer men who have certain goals in life and are career-oriented. So, is it time to change your attitude towards life?   

·         Trustworthy

·         This is very important in a relationship. If you do not trust your man/woman, your life can be hell. A woman always expects her partner to trust her and support her in all her decisions. You need to stand by her when she’s going through tough times.

·         Reliable

·         You’ve got to be reliable if you want your partner to be with you lifelong. If she plans an evening meal together and you turn up at 10pm after promising her you’ll be home by 8pm, you’re obviously not reliable. We agree, work is important but your wife is equally important. So, you need to learn to balance your work and personal life.

·         Committed

·         To a man this may feel like he is being forced into commitment, but commitment in a marriage is very important if you want it to last for a lifetime. Commitment requires you to explore, develop and nurture a relationship. Also, it has to be a mutual agreement or it doesn’t work.

·         Simplicity

·         Simplicity is a common factor every woman expects in her man. He should be transparent enough when it comes to sharing his views, ideas, etc with her. This help’s a couple understand each other better. When we say simplicity, we don’t just mean looks but also your nature.

·         Loving and Caring 

·         Every women wants to have a loving and caring partner. In simple words, this means even if your woman makes a mistake, you aren’t allowed to shout at her, especially in front of others. Instead, explain to her in a loving manner. Women expect their partners to make them smile again if they are unwell or feeling low. So, take care.